You are here: Home QE Compact Course "Biology and Quantum Physics", January 29 to February 1, 2014 QE Compact Course: Time, place, description
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QE Compact Course: Time, place, description

Time:  Jan 29 - 31 (afternoon), Feb 1 (morning),
Place: Raum 100, Herderbau, Tennenbacherstr. 4

Compact course:
Biology and Quantum Physics

Recent experimental measurements suggest the importance of quantum physical phenomena in functional units of plants. These findings received a lot of attention in the physics community, and led to an amplification of research efforts in the field of quantum biophysics.

This compact course will offer an introduction to the biophysics of photosynthesis, and the tools used to observe quantum effects in photosynthetic complexes. Key topics to be addressed are: Energy transport in complex media, 2D electronic spectroscopy, charge separation, and the role of pigments, proteins, and membranes in the photosynthetic process.

The course is designed for Master and PhD students in physics, chemistry and biology, interested in interdisciplinary research beyond their own field.

Lecturers: Rienk van Grondelle (Amsterdam), Elisabet Romero Mesa (Amsterdam), and Thomas Wellens (Freiburg)

Participation upon registration only. Please register via e-Mail until January 20. No participation fees apply. Online material will be made accessible one week before the first session. Contact: buchleitner_office@physik.uni-freiburg.de

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